Academic Self-efficacy in the Field of Specific Competencies in Physical Education University Students: Comparisons by Gender




self-efficacy, higher education, student characteristics


The objective of this research was to compare the profiles of academic self-efficacy in the area of specific competencies among male and female university students of physical education in Mexico. The total sample consisted of 77 university students, of which 30 were women and 47 were men, with a mean age of 18.97 years (SD = 1.22) for women and 19.62 years (SD = 1.55) for men. The approach adopted in the research was quantitative, using a descriptive survey-type design. The results of the multivariate analysis of variance, followed by univariate analysis of variance, revealed that males presented higher levels of self-efficacy in the specific competencies of teaching physical education, sport and recreation; biological foundations of physical education, physical activity, sport and recreation; and physical activity and school sport. Conclusions: these differences in perceived self-efficacy between men and women suggest that any intervention aimed at improving perceived self-efficacy should consider the gender variable. It is essential to design training programs and intervention strategies that address gender-specific needs to promote equitable development of self-efficacy. In addition, the importance of conducting future research to replicate these findings in larger and more diverse samples is highlighted, which will allow validation and generalization of the results obtained, as well as the development of more effective and contextualized interventions.


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How to Cite

Soto, M. C., Zueck Enríquez, M. del C., Díaz Lea, A. C., & Borunda Zueck, E. (2024). Academic Self-efficacy in the Field of Specific Competencies in Physical Education University Students: Comparisons by Gender. Revista De Ciencias Del Ejercicio FOD, 19(2), 19–31.

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