Psychological well-being in Mexican university athletes and non-athletes
Psychological well-being, higher education, sports practice, physical activity, mental health.Abstract
The present study aims to identify the differences and similarities in psychological well-being among Mexican university students who practice sports and those who do not, in order to determine in which dimensions the former perceive higher levels of well-being compared to the latter, and vice versa. This quantitative, descriptive, and cross-sectional research included a sample of 750 students from the Autonomous University of Chihuahua (47.7% athletes and 52.3% non-athletes) aged between 18 and 25 years (M = 20.6, SD = 1.9). The Ryff Psychological Well-Being Scales Questionnaire, adapted to the Mexican context by Jurado et al. (2017), was used. Analysis of variance showed significant differences in favor of athletes in the self-acceptance dimension, while no relevant variations were found in the dimensions of personal growth and positive relationships. Additionally, both groups showed lower scores in the latter dimension, suggesting that the quality of interpersonal relationships could be a relevant area of intervention for promoting psychological well-being in university settings. These findings highlight the importance of physical activity as a protective factor for psychological well-being in young adults and underscore the need to incorporate comprehensive mental health promotion strategies within educational contexts.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Edgar Borunda-Zueck, José René Blanco Ornelas, Humberto Blanco Vega, Perla Jannet Jurado-García

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