Factorial Structure and Psychometric Invariance of the Digital AUDIM-M in Mexican University Athletes and Non-Athletes
self-concept, instrumental study, factorial structure, construct validationAbstract
The aim of this study was to analyze the psychometric properties proposed by Aguirre et al. (2017) for the short version of the Dimensional Self-Concept Questionnaire (AUDIM-M). The total sample consisted of 955 Mexican university students, including 463 athletes and 492 non-athletes, aged 18–26 years (M = 20.5; DE = 1.9). The factorial structure of the questionnaire was examined through confirmatory factor analyses. The results indicate that a four-factor structure (personal self-concept, physical self-concept, social self-concept, and academic self-concept) is viable and appropriate for the total sample as well as for the subgroups of Mexican university athletes and non-athletes. The four-factor structure demonstrated satisfactory reliability and validity indicators based on both statistical and substantive criteria. Furthermore, the factorial structure, factor loadings, and intercepts were found to be invariant according to the variable of sports practice. However, significant differences were observed between athletes and non-athletes in three of the four factors studied (personal, physical, and social self-concept). In conclusion, the AUDIM-M can be considered a useful tool for advancing the study of factors affecting self-concept. Additional studies with larger and more diverse samples are recommended to generalize the results and further refine the instrument.
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Copyright (c) 2025 Raul Barcelo Reyna, Luis Humberto Blanco Ornelas, Ana Citlalli Díaz Leal, Martha Ornelas Contreras, José Arnulfo López Pulgarín

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