Nivel de ansiedad pre y pos competencia, enfrentamiento al estrés competitivo en corredores amateur de medio fondo, del estado de Durango




Anxiety, coping with runners' stress, medium depth


The study is a descriptive, comparative, retrospective cross-sectional study, with the objective of describing the level of pre and post competition anxiety and competitive stress coping in middle-distance amateur runners in the city of Durango, the sample is conformed of 38 subjects with an average age. 12.6 years + 1.5, 23 men and 15 women, the Competitive Stress Coping Questionnaire (athletes) was used to define the level of competitive stress coping and the Mexican version of the CSAI-2R to measure anxiety levels before and after of a competition. Descriptive statistical tests and Fisher's test for the comparison of variables were used for data analysis. Resulting that the indicators of pre-competitive anxiety were observed, there is a general trend towards the self-confidence factor, since high percentages are shown in items 3. (I am sure of myself 28%), 7 (I am sure that I can face this challenge 31.6%), 10 (I am confident of doing well 39.5%), 13 (I am confident because I see myself reaching my goal 31.6%) and 16 (I am confident of responding well to pressure 21.1%). Regarding the management of competitive stress, it was observed that in the management of arousal, "forgetting arousal" is the proposition that reflects the most frequent coping style with 42.1%, followed by "openly expressing" in the management of thoughts with a 28.9% frequency. Concluding that in the studied population there is a high level of self-confidence and few levels of anxiety that this benefits performance in competition and a high level of concentration on the target and not in the context of stress in which the race is developed.


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Author Biography

Maria Guadalupe Ortiz Martínez, Universidad Juárez de Estado de Durango

Profesora de tiempo Completo de la Facultad  de Ciencias de la Cultura Física y Deporte de la Universidad Juárez del Estado de Durango, encargada del diseño curricular de la facultad


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How to Cite

Ortiz Martínez, M. G., & Aguirre Gurrola, H. B. (2021). Nivel de ansiedad pre y pos competencia, enfrentamiento al estrés competitivo en corredores amateur de medio fondo, del estado de Durango. Revista De Ciencias Del Ejercicio FOD, 16(2), 24–31.