Physical activity, sedentary behavior and menopausal symptomps in women from northeast Mexico
Exercise, sedentary lifestyle, climacteric, menopausal transition, accelerometry.Abstract
Physical activity (PA) has a positive effect on menopausal symptoms and quality of life. High levels of sedentary behaviors (SB) are associated with more severe menopausal symptoms. The objective was to evaluate the association between the PA practice, SB and perceived menopausal symptoms in middle-aged women. Descriptive, correlational, and cross-sectional study. Sample of one hundred 49.9-year-old women (SD = 4.56) from the Monterrey metropolitan area. The International PA Questionnaire, accelerometry with ActiGraph ™ wGT3X triaxial equipment and the Menopause Quality of Life Questionnaire (MENQOL) were applied. Data analysis with SPSS version 21.0 and Spearman's correlation tests. 66.7% of the participants were dedicated to the home, the predominant socioeconomic levels were A / B and C (high and medium-high), 88.1% were married or living in a common-law union, 32.1% had a bachelor's degree or the high school and 41.7% were obese. Inversely proportional associations were found between vasomotor symptoms and the daily average of sedentary minutes during the week (p <.05); indirect association between physical symptoms and energy expenditure by PA in free time (p <.05). Conclusions: The practice of PA in free time is associated with a lower incidence of physical symptoms of menopause. An association was found between vasomotor symptoms and SB during the week. The approach to these behaviors should be considered for training in women who go through this stage of development.
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Copyright (c) 2022 Angelly del Carmen Villarreal Salazar, Luis Enrique Bañuelos Terés, María Cristina Enríquez Reyna, Rosa Elena Medina Rodríguez
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