Level of physical activity in workers of a Hospital in Guasave Sinaloa
: Health personnel, sedentary behavior, acelerometryAbstract
Background: The National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI) classified people over 18 years of age with insufficient level of physical activity. Insufficient physical activity refers to the practice of physical activity less than three days a week or not accumulating the minimum time (per week) of 75 minutes of vigorous intensity or 150 of moderate intensity. Aim: To analyze and compare the level of physical activity obtained with two measurements (subjective and objective) in 66 workers from a Hospital in Guasave Sinaloa. Methods: Physical activity was measured with the World Health Organization Global Physical Activity Questionnaire (GPAQ) and physical activity level and sedentary behaviors using ActiGraph ™ wGT3X accelerometers. Results: A sample of 66 participants was obtained with an average age of 43.98 (SD = 6.09), 16.6% men and 83.33% women. Regarding physical activity by self-report, it is shown that on average they spend 435.30 (SD = 46.97) minutes sitting or lying down, and less than half an hour in moderate activities ((X) ̅ = 28.10, SD = 33.80). Conclusions: It can be concluded that the self-report and the objective measurement show discrepancies in the physical activity report, people tend to underestimate the sedentary time they spend on a common day, likewise, the results lead to an overestimate of active time (moderate or slight) although in this analysis it was not significant.
Keywords: Health personnel, sedentary behavior, acelerometry
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Copyright (c) 2022 Rojas-Aboite, Cristian Yovany, Gutiérrez-Arce, Kirby, Enríquez-Reyna, María Cristina, Hernández-Cortés Perla Lizeth

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