State of the research on emotional intelligence and sports performance
review, sports psychology, emotions, sportAbstract
Emotional intelligence (EI) has been defined as the ability to identify and value one’s emotions and recognize those of others. It is the ability to manage feelings to facilitate thinking, attention and self-motivation. As well as to understand and regulate emotions towards integral self-growth. According to Mayer & Salovey (1997) and Goleman (2010), EI has shown significant relationships with better mental health and as a stress mediator. In the sports context, the relationship between EI and sports education; integral development; and sports performance, has been explored. The aim of this work is to execute a systematic review of the research carried out in the last five years on the relationship between EI and sports performance. The research was carried out in Dialnet, Google Scholar, PubMed and Redalyc databases, using the words “emotional intelligence”, “sports performance” and “sport”. The inclusion criteria of the articles were: the year of publication 2016-2021; the type of research; and that the participants were university athletes or performance athletes. 20 articles were obtained that meet the inclusion criteria, of which there are 13 in Spanish and seven in English, identifying the TMMS-24 instrument as the most used for measuring EI. This research shows an important relationship between EI and sport in different contexts and sport specialties, that give rise to future lines of research.
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