Evaluation of physical abilities in the school context physical education session
Palabras clave: capacidades físicas, educación física, fuerza, resistencia, velocidadAbstract
Introduction: This study aims to utilize physical education (PE) classes as a means to promote healthy lifestyles. The COVID-19 pandemic has left children in a vulnerable position, limiting their participation in physical activity (PA).
Objective: The main objective was to evaluate the impact of physical education classes on the physical abilities of elementary school students. Measurements of arm strength (assessed through push-ups), abdominal strength (measured by sit-ups), speed (agility), and endurance (evaluated with the Course Navette test) were included.
Methodology: The study design was based on pre-test and post-test comparisons of the variables under study. The sample consisted of 211 boys and girls aged between 10 and 12 years. Various assessment tools were used, such as the push-up test to measure arm strength, an abdominal strength test, the Course Navette test to evaluate endurance, and a 10-meter speed (agility) measurement. All tests demonstrated high reliability and validity, with coefficients above .85 according to Cronbach's alpha. The intervention in physical education classes was conducted with a frequency of two sessions per week for three months, each session lasting 50 minutes.
Results: In relation to the dependent variables, it is observed that abdominal strength, speed, and endurance show statistically significant differences between the initial and final assessments (p < .01). However, no significant differences were found in terms of arm strength.
Discussion: The results indicating improvements in students' endurance after the physical education classes intervention align with previous research. Additionally, a greater progress in abdominal strength and speed was observed in boys compared to girls.
Conclusion: Physical education classes trigger a significant improvement in students' endurance.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Hilda Bertha Aguirre Gurrola, Leslie Alejandra Walkup Núñez, Mario Alberto Villareal Angeles , Jesús José Gallegos Sanchez, Alberto Alonzo Ramírez Farias
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